How to Welcome and Impress New Client


Welcome Message

Warmly welcome your new client and reassure them they have made the right choice in hiring you, share your values and what they can expect from you.

Service Summary

Summarize the service package they paid for so it's clear what's included and non-included.


Set boundaries and explain how and when you will communicate.

Process Overview

Outline your process to manage client expectations-clearly list what you will need from them client homework, what you will deliver, deadlines, important dates, and timeline.

Client Best Practices

Share guidelines tips and client best practices so they can maximize their time working together.

Tools and Resources

Share the tools your client needs to be familiar with plus links to tutorials necessary.


Share some frequently asked client questions and your answers.

Client's Next Step 

Clearly state what your client's next step is right after reading your welcome packet.

Client Satisfaction

Deal with your client in such a way that he understands you perfectly and understands everything you say.

Client Clarifications

The client has to deal according to the comprehensive business and his requirement and everything has to be done openly in front of him and he can easily get the answer to every single question that comes to his mind.


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