Weight Lose Exercises At Home

          Best Exercises To Lose Weight At Home

When you are working hard to get fit and lose your weight, you want a regular routine that provides strong results.Good news:You don't even neec to become a gym rar,studies show that shorter periods of exercise are more effective for fat loss.But what kind of exercise burns the most celories?
These exercsis for weight loss will guide you in the right direction.

"Exercises At Home"

It is a common complaint among the working public that there is not enough time for one to go to the gym and workout.However,exercise is a crucial part of anyone's fitness journey,and should not be ignored.Here are a few exercises that one can do at home to achieve their fitness goals.

1.Squats Exercises

Squats exercise are great as it engages and strengthens the lower body and core muscles.It also aids weight loss with the increase in the production of anabolic hormones.

How To Squats?

2.Planks Exercises

The plank is one of the best exercises that help you strengthen your core,spine,arms back and shoukders.In other words,it helps you engage all the body muscles between the shoulders to your toes.

3.Lunges Exercises

Shaping and strengthening your lower body is needed to torch calories for weight loss.

1.Stand in a split-stance (one leg forward,one leg back).

2.Bend your knees and lower your body into a lunge position,keeping the front knee and back knee and 90-degree angles.

3.akaeeping the weight in your heels,push back up (slowly) to starting position.

5.Variations include front lunges,back lunges,and side lunges.

6.Do this exercise two to three times per week for 12 to 16 reps.

4.Push Ups (Inclined) for Beginners Exercises

Wroking on your chest and core be beneficial for weight loss and inclined push-ups can at least burn 7 calories per minute.

1.If you're s beginner or don't have as much upper body strength,this is a good move to start wtih.

2.Start on all fours  with hands a bit wider than the shoulders.

3.Walk the knees back a bit in order to lean your weight on the hands and flatten the back from the head down to the back of the knees.

4.Pull the abs in and,keeping your straight,bend the elbows and lower body toward the floor until elbows are at 90-degree angles.

5.Push back up and repeat for 1 to 3 setss of 10 to 16 reps.


Exercise is an essential part of weight loss.One must focus on following a workout routine planned as per your goals and requirements.Ideally,consult a certied fitness trainer to plan out this workout routine.That said,one's weight loss goals is dependant on the right kind eating habits as well.

It takes a combination of a good workout routine and a proper diet plan to ensure weight loss.Thus get started on your fitness journey with healthy meal plan,and a workout routine that includes the exercise mentioned above.

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