Most Dangerous Hackers in the World


Most dangerous hacker in the world

 After the advent of computers, the world has changed a lot, now Jung is playing with technology, not with weapons. And in today's era, because of the computer, many difficult tasks have also become easy. Getting information about anything online Shopping online Paying online What would have happened if someone hacked your personal data and personal files. Today we have come to know the turn of some such well-known hackers who surprised the world with their hacking.

Keven Mitnick

A seminal figure in American hacking. Keven Mitnick got his career start as a teen. Kevin's story about the hacker is interesting. He has been described as America's most wanted cyber hacker. And a film was also made on his life, the Secret Book of Hacking Movie has also been made. Due to hacking, he was imprisoned for 3 years and kept under his supervision for 3 years. But then after coming back from prison, Keven hacked America's National Security High Alert. And for this, he was again imprisoned for the 2nd year. He did many other such works which were beyond the thinking of the people. And then after coming back from jail after 2 years, he started working as a consultant in the company and also formed his own company.


This is an international online hacking group that was created to support social events. And here hackers also have the power to take down the servers of crappy social platforms. One of his tag lines is very famous in which it is said: ''We are legion we do not forgive we do not forget expect us''. This group also works to help the people and can also compete with the government to help the people.


 This hacker is a little different from other hackers. People don't know anything about this hacker except its name. By the way, in 2008, he hacked the computers of the French aircraft company Groups, and with this hacking, he kept stealing the data of Weapon Technology for 5 years. And it is said that when the police arrested him, he was identified as a 58-year-old man.  

Max Butler

Actually, Max Butler was first a computer advisor, who is now one of the world's mercenary hackers. Butler stole 2 million credited cards and fraudulently earned $46 million. And they were accused of smuggling financial data into online countries and earning money. And for this reason, in 2011, he was sentenced to 13 years, which was the longest sentence in America. 

Kevin Poulsen  

Once Kevin took part in an NBC show Unsolved Mysterious. And hacked everyone's phone network for 15 minutes and that's how Kevin won the car. And as soon as FBR came to know and did not investigate and while calling, he also hacked the computers of FBR. And after that Kevin hacked the whole computer of a supermarket. He was sentenced to 51 months after being released and became a writer after coming out. And at present, he is working as a Senior Editor at Savored News. Apart from this, Kevin also helped the US police by walking.

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